Men’s Accessories: How, When and Why…

We hear so much about women and their accessories such as purses, jewelry, shoes, etc. As an Indiana Wardrobe Stylist, I even heard a stat recently that accessories should make up 30 percent of your clothing budget. I do think that’s true since what you add to the outfit makes or breaks it. When I […]

Shopping Process with Beth Divine Style

When I work with clients I always think of several things as I shop for them, as an Indiana Wardrobe Stylist. In most cases, when it’s time to shop for them I have already done a color analysis; therefore,  I know the best colors for them. I have analyzed their shape and can indicate the […]

Style to Spend Your Money On

What’s worth spending money on…this was a very interesting discussion on Reddit. As a Carmel Personal Stylist, I have been reading some posts on that site, and it’s an interesting medium. I was really curious to see what the readers said because I feel overall as a society we are just buying on the cheap […]

Trends to Fall For!

It’s almost that time of year when we can break out long pants and closed-toe shoes as we tuck away cotton dresses and sandals. Hooray! As a Carmel Personal Stylist, Fall has always been my favorite season for clothing and trends. Although my style preferences have changed over the years, my love for fall’s offerings […]

High Waisted, Wide Legs – She’s a Believer Now!

Songs have been written about them…careers have been made by them – jeans are a classic wardrobe piece nearly all of us have and love wearing. Ladies love to talk about their favorite jeans and often take sides between skinny versus Mom jeans. I recently a client shopping for jeans because she said she would […]

Stores That Have Upped their Game!

Carmel Personal Stylist - Brown Dress

As an Indianapolis Women’s Stylist, I am always in the mall shopping – sometimes I am in the women’s stores and then I find I need to update my knowledge about men’s offerings. In this post I am going to talk about some stores I have shopped at and how they’ve either improved and or […]

Fall/Winter Colors & How to Wear Them

Fall is coming! It hit me when I returned from San Francisco that was unseasonably warm when we were out walking in the neighborhood one night, and there was a chill in the air. So unlike other regions whose fall is nearly like summer, there is a definite shift here in the seasons. I, your […]

Dressing for A Funeral

It’s interesting in my work with clients, how I am privileged to share in all the important parts of life, from weddings to galas, graduations, etc. Since we know that we don’t live forever, that includes funerals, too. As a Carmel Wardrobe Stylist, one of my very first clients recently contacted me. I had noticed […]

Dressing the Client in Transition

In Indianapolis Women’s Styling, It is not unusual at all to meet with a potential client who tells me this: “I am in transition. I am a few pounds heavier than I would like to be.” Many people just naturally put on weight as they get older, and the pandemic has only made this a […]

A Style Story: When Negativity Sets In

As a Carmel Personal Stylist, I meet a lot of people in different stages of their wardrobe. Recently I met with a gentleman named John. He told me the typical things I am hearing these days, “I have worked at home for 2 years. I live in sweatpants and haven’t cut my hair in several […]