
Image Consulting Blog

Beth’s blog is full of the Image Consulting advice you need. Whether it’s staying on-trend or just looking for some free tips, Beth’s blog is full of fashion, skincare, and beauty buzz that will keep you coming back.

Beth’s blog is updated weekly! Check back to read the latest on Beth’s mind!

Beth Divine Indianapolis Commercial Stylist

The Beauty of a Dress…

Do you like dresses? As an Indianapolis Wardrobe Stylist, I must admit I love dresses for so many reasons: they are easy to style they

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Do You Have an Assertive Image?

Assertiveness is a quality of those who are successful…and successful people are found in all walks of life–something I strongly believe as an Image Consultant.

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Which White is Right?

As an Indianapolis Wardrobe Stylist, It’s probably not surprising that I talk to clients about their best white. It seems like splitting hairs, for sure,

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Image Consulting in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1: Contact Beth To Start Image Consulting

Contact Beth

Text or Email Beth Divine Style To Discuss What You'd Like To Accomplish

Step 2: Meet With Beth Live Or Virtually

Meet Beth

Live Or Virtually To Perform The Services You Need

Step 3 - Enjoy The Benefits of Image Consulting

Enjoy the "New" You

Be Prepared For So Many Compliments

Reach Out for a Style Consultation